Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Life-Saving Rules
Boaz Energy Group Limited has adopted the International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (IOGP) nine Life-Saving Rules to:

Support standardization across the oil and gas industry.
Enable better transfer of knowledge, experience and lessons learned.
Increase individual awareness and ownership of critical safeguards that prevent fatalities and serious injuries.
Improve clarity and allow for consistent use by contractors and operators performing work while onboard Boaz rigs and facilities.

The Life-Saving Rules support our Management System and are highlighted throughout our standards and procedures.

Safe Systems of Work (SSoW)
At Boaz, we are committed to providing consistent and efficient management of worksite safety, including both personal and process safety. By establishing requirements for prevention and mitigation barriers and defining their relationships, operational hazards can be identified, and risk managed before any work activities are started.

The five key components of Boaz’ SSoW framework specify the minimum requirements that focus on preventing harm to people, environment or plant.

Safe Systems of Work Image
Behavior-Based Safety Training
Our Behavioral-Based Safety Program supports our effort in preventing incidents and building an interdependent safety culture by:

Observing people at work and having an open conversation about safety
Correcting unsafe behavior or conditions then reinforcing positive behavior
Creating a respectful environment that encourages safety conversations